

«The Good Dinosaur» asks the question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct? In this epic journey into the world of dinosaurs, an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. While travelling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.

© The Walt Disney Company.| All Rights Reserved.

Монстр в Париже / Monster in Paris! (2011) / Мультфильм

Париж. 1910 год. Ужасный монстр, напоминающий гигантское насекомое, нагоняет страх на всю Францию. Застенчивый киномеханик Эмиль и неутомимый изобретатель Рауль начинают охоту на чудовище. В этой погоне они знакомятся со звездой кабаре «Райские Птицы» Люсиль, сумасшедшим ученым и его умной обезьянкой и, наконец, самим монстром, который на самом деле оказывается совсем не страшным. Теперь безобидное, как блоха, чудовище ищет у своих новых друзей защиты от упертого начальника городской полиции.

Год: 2011
Жанр: мультфильм
Страна: Франция
Режиссер: Бибо Бергерон
Автор сценария: Бибо Бержерон, Стефан Казанджян
Актеры: Ванесса Паради, Кэтрин О’Хара
Возрастной рейтинг: 0

#анимация #мультфильм

CGI Animated Short Film: "One Small Step" by TAIKO Studios | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: One Small Step Animated Short Film by TAIKO Studios. Featured on CGMeetup www.cgmeetup.com/project/one-small-step-short-film

TAIKO Studios presents the story of Luna is a vibrant young Chinese American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.

Directed by Andrew Chesworth and Bobby Pontillas
Produced by Shaofu Zhang
CG Supervisor: Joy Johnson
Head of Pipeline: Andrew Jennings
Music: Steve Horner

TAIKO is an award winning animation studio that believes in the power of story. Offer services in original content development,​ storyboarding, character design and animation production. www.taikostudios.com

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CGI Animated Short Film: "Dear Alice" by Matt Cerini | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Matt Cerini Animated Short Film by Matt Cerini at The School of Visual Arts. Featured on CGMeetup www.cgmeetup.com/project/dear-alice

The CG Animated Short Film «Dear Alice» tells the story of an unconfident artist who must inspire a wide-eyed young girl to see the beauty in her sketch before the bus reaches his stop.

Directed by Matt Cerini and produced at the School of Visual Arts.
Dear Alice is a CG animated short film and senior thesis, directed by Matt Cerini and produced at the School of Visual Arts (2018). The film was completed in 10 months time and included a team of 15 artists in production.

Matt Cerini: Director, Animator, Lighter, Story

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Reimagination of Disneys short films music: "Paperman" (2012)

I do not own the rights of the video but I do own the rights of the music
Please subscribe to my second youtube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0WvDUv93mJ1ij_D5b0Mkw

If you want to continue to support my channel, Here is my Paypal Account. Any sort of donation helps me to be able to continue creating. Unfortunately, Youtube wont let me monetize My channel because Im using images that belong to big studios.
So… here It goes! Thank you.

paypal.me/azusierra?locale.x=es_XC Pay Pal Link

The Spider and The Butterfly - Animated Short

A little white spider spends her days daydreaming about flying off to meet her other half from her hanging flower pot. Wishing the same company as the butterflies, she makes leaf wings to take off but falls in to the abyss of the grass bellow. There, she will meet a peculiar butterfly and together theyll find a way out of the grass and discover much more.

This is my first fully animated short. It is a labor of love that Ive been working on since August of 2017. Im so happy I get to share this milestone in my life and my career with all of you.

The entire musical score was done by the amazing themusicreborn aka Ben Banas. Hes a fellow freelance artist so please check out his content.

The Music Reborn: www.youtube.com/user/TheMusicReborn

Please enjoy it, comment it and share it.

My Social Media:

Tumblr: dragonfoxgirl.tumblr.com/

Deviantart: dragonfoxgirl.deviantart.com/

Twitter: twitter.com/dragonfox_girl

If you liked the video, please consider supporting what I do with a cup of coffee!

Ko-fi page: www.ko-fi.com/dragonfoxgirl

Снежная Королева 2: Перезаморозка (2014) / Мультфильм

Снежная Королева 2: Перезаморозка (2014) / Мультфильм

Музыка из мультфильма: goo.gl/X0mkPZ
Скачать в iTunes: goo.gl/EzMrTr
Жанр: Мультфильм, Фэнтези, Приключения, Семейный
Страна: Россия
Режиссер: Алексей Цицилин
Сценарий: Алексей Цицилин, Алексей Замыслов, Владимир Николаев
Продюсеры: Тимур Бекмамбетов, Юрий Москвин, Владимир Николаев
Композитор: Марк Уиллотт
В ролях: Иван Охлобыстин, Нюша Шурочкина, Анна Хилькевич, Александр Уман, Игорь Бортник, Алексей Лихницкий, Роман Юнусов, Александр Гудков

Тщеславный тролль Орм давно мечтает о лаврах героя, и наконец получает этот шанс: северный ветер грозит миру вечной зимой и похищает Марибель. Рука принцессы и королевство троллей достанутся тому, кто вызволит ее из снежного плена. Однажды Орм победил зиму с помощью друзей, теперь он хочет действовать в одиночку. На нем доспехи из сковородок, за ним — отряд трусливых троллей, а впереди — опасный путь к замку Снежной королевы. Но, к счастью, друзья не помнят обид: храбрая Герда, застенчивый Кай, удалая Альфида и весёлая Лута не бросят Орма в беде. А значит их ждут невероятные приключения!