The young researcher, Heidi Taqi El Din Moussa, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, won the Best Scientific Research Presentation Award — Youth Category — President of the International Mediterranean Forum for Renewable Energy and Green Buildings MED Green Forum 2019 — University of Florence, Italy, which was held at the University of Florence in Florence. (The Renaissance City and Michelangelo) in Italy from 2 to 6 September 2019, in the presence of more than 115 international delegations from all over the world, representing 27 Egyptian promoting countries. Architect who build up my knowledge in many topics and in different directions.
Team leader of a multi-discipline international team. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Dan Schneider came face to face with unspeakable tragedy on April 14, 1999 when his 22 year old son was shot and killed while attempting to buy drugs in New Orleans. Dan speaks on his experience searching for his son’s killer, how it fueled his fight against the opioid epidemic, and how he found the light through the Tunnel of Hope.
«Im Dan Schneider. Im 70 years old and believe sharing my hard found wisdom will benefit others. I had great parents, great family 2 Older Brother and a younger sister We lived in an area that was called Gods Country. I was an all district Tackle on my high School football team.
I married my high school sweetheart, Annie, in 1971. She worked, I went to Pharmacy School and worked part-time. I became a Pharmacist in 1975 and she became a stay at home Mom. Our son Danny was born 9/27/76. Lil Danny was a blond haired blue eyed beautiful boy. He brought us much joy. Our daughter Kristi came along in 1980 and completed what many called the Griswald family. Station wagon, family trips, and a 17 ft. Christmas tree.
On 4/14/1999 our life changed. Our son was murdered while trying to buy drugs.
Our story was told in in the Netflix docuseries „“The Pharmacist»" .The story is not over, it is still being written. We are trying to build a nationwide movement to end the Opioid and Addiction Pandemic that has killed nearly a million since since my son died. I call our Mission "«The Tunnel of Hope»", as we hope to bring light to this dark National Tragedy." Im 70 years old and believe sharing my hard found wisdom will benefit others. I had great parents and great family. We lived in an area that was called Gods Country. I was an all district Tackle on my HS football team.
I married my high school sweetheart, Annie, in 1971. She worked, I went to Pharmacy School and worked part-time. I became a Pharmacist in 1975 and she became a stay at home Mom. Our son Danny was born 9/27/76. Lil Danny was a blond haired blue eyed beautiful boy. He brought us much joy. Our daughter Kristi came along in 1980 and completed what many called the Griswald family.
On 4/14/1999 our life changed. Our son was murdered while trying to buy drugs. Our story was told in in the Netflix docuseries «The Pharmacist». Now we are trying to build a nationwide movement to end the Opioid and Addiction Pandemic that has killed nearly a million since since my son died. I call our Mission «The Tunnel of Hope», as we hope to bring light to this dark National Tragedy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Ксения Дукалис о переизбытке и новом естественном отборе. А еще о необходимости появления роли куратора в большинстве сфер общественной жизни.
Соосновательница маркетингового агентства Belong Agency, диджей, инфлюенсер. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
The thing about a pandemic due a novel virus — there is no vaccine and there is no treatment. No one in the world has immunity and everyone in the world is susceptible. At first, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to be an infectious equalizer, but as it spread through communities, it only made existing health and economic disparities even worse.
As the Utah State Epidemiologist, Dr. Angela Dunn has been at the forefront of managing the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the state. In this serious, yet heart-felt talk, Dr. Dunn shares how we are all interconnected and when one community suffers, we are all more vulnerable. She provides real and achievable standards so all those in our communities can not just live, but thrive in times of normalcy and in times of crisis.
This presentation was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with only a limited live audience of cast and crew members. While applause has been added to the beginning and end of the video, all other aspects have intentionally remained as filmed to honor the struggle and loss experienced globally during 2020.
Wardrobe furnished by Tommaso Cardullo. Dr. Angela Dunn is currently the State Epidemiologist for the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) where she works across the department to identify and address health concerns of Utahns. She came to UDOH as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As an EIS Officer, she has responded to communicable disease outbreaks both in Utah and abroad, including the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Dr. Dunn is boarded in General Preventive and Public health, and completed her residency training at the University of California, San Diego.
Prior to joining the CDC, Dr. Dunn worked as a primary care and public health physician in San Diego, focusing on women’s health, sexually transmitted diseases, refugee health, and tuberculosis. Dr. Dunn also engaged in health systems research and interventions aimed at improving health care delivery within the military health system and federally-qualified health care clinics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
. Представьте себе, что вы — дежурный милиционер в турникетном зале. Безбилетники пытаются прыгать через турникеты, вы их ловите. Вы один, их — много. Возможно ли им задать такие «правила игры», чтобы они не смели пытаться перепрыгивать, даже если заранее известно, что поймаете вы в любом случае только одного из них?
Оказывается, возможно. Но не очень тривиально. Подобные схемы борьбы с массовыми нарушениями могут применяться (и применяются в некоторых странах) при борьбе с налогоуклонением, списыванием на экзаменах, взяточничеством и т.д.
Доклад о математике и теоретико-игровых основаниях, которые стоят за изобретением различных хитроумных алгоритмов контроля. На этом докладе вы не получите академического образования, вы не научитесь писать более эффективные алгоритмы. Однако вы получите представление о том, насколько богатый математический аппарат существует.
Если вам интересна теория игр, если вам интересно узнать об исследованиях, за которые уже несколько раз присуждали премию Нобелевского комитета по экономике, то добро пожаловать на доклад.
Наши современники воспринимают достижения медицины как должное. Человечество, особенно проживающее в относительно развитых странах, уже успело забыть, что такое крупномасштабные эпидемии с сотнями тысяч погибших, и все активнее «катит бочку» на вакцинопрофилактику. Почему так происходит, понятно: прививки касаются буквально каждого ребенка, а любой родитель генетически запрограммирован на то, чтобы всеми правдами и неправдами защищать своих детей от опасностей — как реальных, так и несуществующих. Причем последние как раз самые страшные, ведь люди, которые профессионально зарабатывают, например, на антипрививочной истерии, лепят из вакцин такого монстра, что не испугаться его невозможно. Страх отлично монетизируется. А мы попробуем разобраться, какие реальные причины для страха существуют, а какие выдуманы. Читает лекцию врач высшей категории, токсиколог Алексей Водовозов.
Мы уже дискутировали с Сергеем Худиевым на телеканале СПАС на тему существования Бога. В условиях пандемии мы решили провести еще одну дискуссию он-лайн. На этот раз о том, как верующие и атеисты познают мир.
25 августа состоялась лекция «Что мы прочитали в геноме неандертальца» в рамках проекта «Университет, открытый городу: Вышка в Парке Горького».
Лектор – Михаил Гельфанд, доктор биологических наук, профессор, руководитель магистерской программы «Анализ данных в биологии и медицине» факультета компьютерных наук НИУ ВШЭ, заместитель директора Института проблем передачи информации им. А.А.Харкевича РАН, профессор МГУ (факультет биоинженерии и биоинформатики) и Сколковского института науки и технологий.
Доктор биологических наук, профессор, заместитель директора Института проблем передачи информации РАН Михаил Гельфанд выступил с лекцией о пользе генетически модифицированных продуктов.