Постоянная экономия ресурсов мозга приводит к тому, что человек проживает свою жизнь, двигаясь по пути наименьшего сопротивления. Не осознавая этого.
Для борьбы с инертностью мышления был придуман инструмент — научный метод, который позволяет вовремя обнаруживать, что исследователь попал в ловушку, перепутал ощущение истины (простоты) с реальным положением дел. Специалист по мышлению в Zebrainy Limited, автор сайта «Менсология: просто о мозге». Автор нескольких прикладных моделей мышления. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
Michael dedicates his speech to one of the main themes of our time — the postponement and procrastination. We all know that this is a huge problem for our society and it’s familiar to everyone.
The creator of the social project «To delay means to bury.» He is a creative Director at TWIGA, the Cannes Lions, New York Festival and Globes Awards winner, and a jury member of numerous Russian and international festivals.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx
Чтобы бактериям в желудке было интересно, надо питаться как можно разнообразнее.
Внутри каждого из вас есть целая вселенная, вселенная микробов. И если вы что-то полезное сделаете для них, то и они сделают что-то приятное для вас. Ведь именно для этого нужны друзья :)
Кандидат биологических наук, преподаватель МФТИ. Дважды финишировал на дистанции IronMan. Более 10 лет интересуется темой осознанности с разных сторон — йога, медитация, нейрофизиология мозга.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx
In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want. Recorded at TEDxVancouver at Rogers Arena on November 14, 2015.
YouTube Tags: brain science, brain, stroke, neuroplasticity, science, motor learning, identity, TED, TEDxVancouver, TEDxVancouver 2015, Vancouver, TEDx, Rogers Arena, Vancouver speakers, Vancouver conference, ideas worth spreading, great idea,
Our knowledge of the brain is evolving at a breathtaking pace, and Dr. Lara Boyd is positioned at the cutting edge of these discoveries. In 2006, she was recruited by the University of British Columbia to become the Canada Research Chair in Neurobiology and Motor Learning. Since that time she has established the Brain Behaviour Lab, recruited and trained over 40 graduate students, published more than 80 papers and been awarded over $5 million in funding.
Dr. Boyd’s efforts are leading to the development of novel, and more effective, therapeutics for individuals with brain damage, but they are also shedding light on broader applications. By learning new concepts, taking advantage of opportunities, and participating in new activities, you are physically changing who you are, and opening up a world of endless possibility.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx
NBC News journalist Mariana Atencio has traveled the world from Haiti to Hong Kong. In her TEDx talk, Mariana tells us how the people shes met along the way and her own immigrant experience have taught her that the only thing we all have in common is being human. Get ready to get human and embrace what makes you different! Take a stand to defend your race: the human race!
Mariana Atencio is a Peabody Award-winning journalist, currently a national correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. The Huffington Post called her ‘our Latina Christiane Amanpour’ and Jorge Ramos wrote: ‘Mariana is the next-gen voice for Latinos breaking all barriers.’ Mariana is known for combining in-studio work and high profile interviews like Pope Francis, with tenacious field reporting all over the world, covering youth-led protests in places like Ferguson, Mexico, Haiti and Hong Kong.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx
Why is it that so many people think they can’t draw? Where did we learn to believe that? Graham Shaw will shatter this illusion – quite literally — in a very practical way. He’ll demonstrate how the simple act of drawing has the power to make a positive difference in the world.
Graham specialises in the art of communication and has helped thousands of people to make important presentations. He is perhaps best known for his use of fast cartoon drawings to communicate ideas and is the author of ‘The Art of Business Communication’.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx
Олег Глушков — режиссер-постановщик, хореограф. Работал над спектаклями в МХТ им. А.П. Чехова, Театре им. Евгения Вахтангова, Театре-студии п/р Олега Табакова, «Мастерской Петра Фоменко» и «Школе драматического искусства», в театре «Красный факел» в Новосибирске, участвовал в работе над постановками в театрах Литвы, Норвегии, Польши и Эстонии. Как режиссер поставил спектакли «Холостой Мольер» в «Школе современной пьесы»; «Кафе «Бутон» и «Гвидон» в театре «Школа драматического искусства»; «Пер Гюнт» Ибсена в театре «Ленком»; «Моряки и шлюхи» в театре «Мастерская Петра Фоменко». Хореограф-постановщик мюзиклов «Обыкновенное чудо», «Времена не выбирают» и фильма «Стиляги». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx