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Moving from epidemic response to epidemic preparedness | Dr. Ifeanyi Nsofor | TEDxPortHarcourt

Currently, there are more than 64 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, above 44 recoveries and almost 1.5 million deaths. The pandemic is surging in the U.S. and Europe. However, sub-Saharan African countries are responding better to COVID-19. This has confounded scientists and thought leaders. The answer lies in Africa’s experience responding to different infectious disease outbreaks simultaneously and investments in epidemic preparedness. In this talk, Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor shares his experience leading EpiAFRIC’s evaluation of African Union’s response to the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lessons learnt from that response led to the establishment of the African Centres for Disease Control to coordinate efforts across the continent and also increased investments in epidemic preparedness by member states. He draws examples from the work of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control to show that epidemic preparedness is more cost-effective and makes more business sense than waiting to just respond to an infectious disease outbreak. He shares lessons from Nigeria’s COVID-19 response and how they should guide future epidemic preparedness. He urges western nations to learn from Africa’s and Asia’s COVID-19 response. He reminds all that a future pandemic is inevitable. Therefore, the time to prepare is now. A graduate of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine is a Senior New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at George Washington University.
Hes the CEO of EpiAFRIC and Director, Policy and Advocacy at Nigeria Health Watch. Since 2018, the #PreventEpidemicsNaija project has been advocating for increased budgetary allocation for epidemic preparedness in Nigeria.
As a thought Leader in Global Health, Ifeanyi has written over 68 opinion pieces with a global reach — his piece titled, “Why an Ebola Vaccine is Not Enough” has appeared in 18 publications in 16 countries; and published in 8 languages; appeared in over 4.3 million print copies; been seen over 36,000 times on Project Syndicate social media channels. In March 2020, Ifeanyi spoke at “Exploring Media Ecosystems Conference” at the Samberg Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was recognized by Onalytica to be among Coronavirus Top 100 healthcare professionals globally. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Минимализм как стиль жизни | Татьяна Апретова | TEDxNovosibirskWomen

Что вы чувствуете, глядя на просторную комнату, где из вещей только место для сна, столик, шкаф для одежды и икебана в специально отведённом месте?

Вероятнее всего, спокойствие. Так традиционно жили японцы. Так может жить каждый из нас: минимализм – это не только стиль в дизайне интерьера.

Минимализм это культура и стиль жизни.

Татьяна Апретова – «минималист» с десятилетним стажем – расскажет о разумном потреблении и концепции «жизни без лишнего».

как выйти из круга перепотребления, перестать жить и работать только ради покупок,
как определить необходимое и достаточное,
как набраться смелости и отказаться от ненужных вещей, людей и занятий,
как сделать свою жизнь более значимой. Cовладелец digital агентства. «Минималист» с десятилетним стажем This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Hows your social health? Lets test it. | Dr. Chelsea Shields | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Weve all heard of physical and mental health, but another important aspect to our overall health and wellbeing is social health. In fact, recently in the United States, the surgeon general revealed that social isolation and loneliness just topped obesity to claim second place as one of the top three killers in America.

Humans are highly social creatures, but that doesnt always mean that our social interactions are healthy. In this informative talk, Dr. Chelsea Shields, explains how our emotions can easily be high-jacked and then offers guidance on how to evaluate and level up our social health.

This presentation was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with only a limited live audience of cast and crew members. While applause has been added to the beginning and end of the video, all other aspects have intentionally remained as filmed to honor the struggle and loss experienced globally during 2020.

Wardrobe furnished by Tommaso Cardullo. Dr. Chelsea Shields is a bio-social anthropologist, placebo studies expert, and runs a local consulting business.

In her academic work, Dr. Shields focuses on the evolution and elicitation of the placebo effect outside medical contexts. She coined the concept of social susceptibility to talk about how and why our human bodies have evolved to react, adjust, and adapt to specific social rituals, relationships and communities. Her work also investigates the evolutionary mismatch of modern human hyper-sociality and the health implications of a global, digital, 24/7 social network.

In her professional work, Shields runs a research and strategy business that specializes in qualitative, quantitative, and ethnographic research as well as creative ideation, branding, and user-experience design.

Dr. Shields is also a TED Fellow, 3x TED speaker, and teaches speaker training that is focused on the 90% of communication we never talk about: the non-verbals! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada

NBC News journalist Mariana Atencio has traveled the world from Haiti to Hong Kong. In her TEDx talk, Mariana tells us how the people shes met along the way and her own immigrant experience have taught her that the only thing we all have in common is being human. Get ready to get human and embrace what makes you different! Take a stand to defend your race: the human race!

Mariana Atencio is a Peabody Award-winning journalist, currently a national correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. The Huffington Post called her ‘our Latina Christiane Amanpour’ and Jorge Ramos wrote: ‘Mariana is the next-gen voice for Latinos breaking all barriers.’ Mariana is known for combining in-studio work and high profile interviews like Pope Francis, with tenacious field reporting all over the world, covering youth-led protests in places like Ferguson, Mexico, Haiti and Hong Kong.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Танцуйте и будьте непрофессионалами | Олег Глушков | TEDxPokrovkaSt

Олег Глушков — режиссер-постановщик, хореограф. Работал над спектаклями в МХТ им. А.П. Чехова, Театре им. Евгения Вахтангова, Театре-студии п/р Олега Табакова, «Мастерской Петра Фоменко» и «Школе драматического искусства», в театре «Красный факел» в Новосибирске, участвовал в работе над постановками в театрах Литвы, Норвегии, Польши и Эстонии. Как режиссер поставил спектакли «Холостой Мольер» в «Школе современной пьесы»; «Кафе «Бутон» и «Гвидон» в театре «Школа драматического искусства»; «Пер Гюнт» Ибсена в театре «Ленком»; «Моряки и шлюхи» в театре «Мастерская Петра Фоменко». Хореограф-постановщик мюзиклов «Обыкновенное чудо», «Времена не выбирают» и фильма «Стиляги». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx


Matyáš Pilin is going to speak about one of his biggest passions: languages. He has travelled through Estonia and Finland as well as hiked alone in the French mountains in order to immerse himself in the local culture and has attempted to learn many of the world’s most challenging languages such as Mandarin and Estonian. Hes not only an excellent student but also a talented orator, which has led him to participate in an international debate at Yale university last year. Today, he wants to offer some insight on how to learn languages quickly and effectively and help us understand how polyglots manage to find the time and energy to learn so many languages in one lifetime.
Matyáš Pilin is going to speak about one of his biggest passions: languages. He has travelled through Estonia and Finland as well as hiked alone in the French mountains in order to immerse himself in the local culture and has attempted to learn many of the world’s most challenging languages such as Mandarin and Estonian. Hes not only an excellent student but also a talented orator, which has led him to participate in an international debate at Yale university last year. Today, he wants to offer some insight on how to learn languages quickly and effectively and help us understand how polyglots manage to find the time and energy to learn so many languages in one lifetime. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014

В этом выступлении 17-летний полиглот Тимоти Донер поделится историей о том, как он начал изучать языки, расскажет о своих приключениях в общении с прессой и о том, что помогло ему преодолеть трудности на этом пути.
Тим призывает нас изучать не только языки, но и культуры, которые они представляют.

Это выступление записано на мероприятии TEDx, независимо организованном местным сообществом с использованием формата конференций TED. Узнайте больше на ted.com/tedx

A New Way to Learn to Read English | Narda Pitkethly | TEDxSunValley

Narda Pitkethly created a system that profoundly simplifies learning how to read. Watch how her system reduces illiteracy and many of its negative consequences. Narda Pitkethly moved to Japan after college and discovered the Japanese had created a simple method of learning to read, called Hiragana. Through their method, Narda learned to read Japanese in a week. Within three months, her comprehension allowed her to communicate freely in her home city of Fukuoka.
In 1988 Narda moved from Japan to Sun Valley because the small community and year-round outdoor activities enticed her. An accomplished glassblower, she often travels to Boise to create works of art.
When her daughter was identified as a challenged reader in the first grade, Narda discovered that English is one of the hardest languages in the world to learn to read, even for native speakers. Narda analyzed the English alphabet to understand why it is so difficult (1 in 4 children grow up without learning to read). She organized the letters in the same way the Japanese organized their Hiragana characters. Narda reveals an approach to the English language you have never seen before. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Жыныстық сауаттылық: қазір ашық айтпасақ, жағдай өршіп барады | Әсел Ергешқызы | TEDxAstana

Талқылауға үйренбеген тақырыпта сөйлесуден қорқудың қажеті жоқ, себебі әңгімелесу — ақпарат алмасу, тіпті білім беру жолы болып табылады. Бұл YouTube-те қазақ тілінде «Жабық тақырып» атты каналды жүргізетін журналист Әсел Ергешқызының пікірі. Оның мақсаты — қазақстандықтардың жыныстық сауаттылығын арттыру. Жыныстық қатынас тақырыбы әрдайым өзекті болатынына қарамастан, бұл туралы ақпарат кеңістігінде ашық айтудың қажеті жоқ деп санайды көпшілік, бұл «Ұят». Адамдар бұл туралы сөз таластыруды жалғастыруда, дегенмен Әсел ойлануға уақыт жұмсамай, жай ғана осы тақырыпта сөйлеуді бастады.

Не нужно бояться говорить о том, что не принято обсуждать, ведь разговор — это обмен информацией и даже форма просвещения. Так считает журналист Асель Ергешқызы, которая ведет на YouTube казахскоязычный канал «Жабық тақырып». Его цель — повышение сексуальной грамотности казахстанцев. При том, что тема секса во все времена актуальна, часто считается, что говорить о ней открыто в информационном пространстве не нужно, что это “Ұят”. Люди продолжают спорить об этом, но Асель не стала тратить время на раздумья и просто начала говорить, к чему призывает и общество.
Асель Ергешкызы ведет на YouTube казахскоязычный познавательный канал «Жабық тақырып», цель которого — повышение сексуальной грамотности. В своих влогах она затрагивает вопросы интимных отношений между мужчиной и женщиной и говорит на темы, которые в казахстанском обществе зачастую считается стыдным открыто обсуждать. Асель привлекает врачей и психологов к консультациям и ответам на вопросы от своих подписчиков.
Имеет многолетний журналистский опыт, помимо развития влога работает шеф-редактором социального ток-шоу на национальном телевизионном канале.

Әсел Ергешқызы YouTube желісінде «Жабық тақырып» деген атпен жыныстық сауаттылықты арттыратын танымдық влогын жүргізеді. Қазақ тіліндегі влогта ерлі-зайыптылардың арасындағы жыныстық қатынас, ер мен әйел денсаулығы туралы сөз қозғалады. Уролог, гинеколог, психолог, сексолог және т.б. мамандардың көмегімен қазақ қоғамында ұят саналатын және ашық айтыла бермейтін тақырыптарды ортаға салып, күрделі сұрақтарға жауап іздейді.
Журналистика саласында 11 жылдық тәжірибесі бар. Қазір ұлттық телеарнадағы әлеуметтік ток-шоудың шеф редакторы.

Assel Yergeshkyzy leads the Kazakh-language cognitive channel called “Zhabyk takyryp” (which means – “close subject) on YouTube. The goal of the channel is to increase sexual literacy. In her vlogs, she addresses the issues of intimate relations between man and woman, moreover she speaks on topics that in Kazakhstani society often considered embarrassing to discuss openly. Assel involves doctors and psychologists in consultations and answers to questions from her subscribers.
She has many years of journalistic experience; in addition to developing vlog, she works as the chief editor of social talk shows on the national television. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx